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  • Posts
  • How about growing your newsletter from scratch?

How about growing your newsletter from scratch?

Dopeletters Batch 2 is here!

In partnership with

We successfully wrapped up Dopeletters Batch One two weeks ago, and today, I am nothing but excited to announce the second batch of the Dopeletters Cohort.

I don’t want to waste your time; so let me get straight to it - The second batch starts on May 8th, and it is tailor-made for creators looking to build and scale their newsletter to their first 500 subscribers.

This post answers everything you need to know about cohort and why it is best for anyone looking to build a newsletter business.

I will answer the 10 MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS, but before that, say hi to our sponsor 👋 

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10. What is Dopeletters?

“Dopeletters is a six-week exclusive and limited cohort for no more than fifteen creators/writers to start and scale their newsletters to 500 subscribers.”

9. Why this cohort?

I am gonna talk about myself for the next thirty seconds. Please bear with me.

Newsletters are still early in small-stage creators. Most people treat it like social media posts or blogs, but newsletters are way different and have potential beyond blogging and social media growth.

To give you an example, I have Hubspot, Stacked Marketer, and Ship 30 for 30 as sponsors with 800 subscribers, paying me decently. I don’t think that’s possible with 800 social media followers.

Why am I the right person to help you with your newsletter?

I have been in this space for two years and also do this for my clients. I understand what is required in terms of management, content, and marketing to scale your newsletter from 0 to 500.

Honestly, I have had slow growth. Cognition hit 500 subscribers 1.5 years after it started. I can say I didn’t have a huge social media distribution or any other excuse—but the point is: I know what causes slow growth, and I know how to grow despite lacking a big personal brand.

If you ask me to tell you why I would do this cohort in one line, I’d say:

I want you to avoid the mistakes I committed and gain your first 500 subscribers asap, unlike me. I want to lay the roadmap and guide you in each step; and make it easy fast and systematic for you.

Okay, that’s two lines.

8. Why six weeks?

The whole point of this cohort is to go against the traditional course model and give personalized assistance to the cohort members. To achieve it, I need more than a three-hour live session.

Newsletters are a long-term game. It’s not like an ebook where you build content fast and sell passively. You need to show up every week in marketing, operations, and obviously, content.

I want to help you build a habit, routine, and system over six weeks so when the cohort is done, you will not have to make big changes to your routine.

…and, of course, the longer duration allows us to dive deep into topics.

7. What happens in six weeks?

I have divided Dopeletters into three phases.

Phase 1: Learning
Phase 2: Operations
Phase 3: Community

Phase 1:

This is from week 0 to week 4, where I cover these topics:

Week 0: Orientation and pre-cohort material
Week 1: What newsletter should you build + Set up the profile
Week 2: Figuring out content + creation
Week 3: Launching your newsletter
Week 4: Marketing and growing your newsletter

All this happens in group live sessions.

Phase 2:

Phase 2 happens in weeks 5 and 6.

By the end of Phase 1, you will be equipped with all the learnings. Your newsletter will already be in operation, sending out issues every week.

During weeks 0-4, we focus on learning and parallel implementation.

…and during weeks 5-6, you will be on your own, but I will supervise your growth and everything you do.

In Phase 2, we will have two one-on-one calls a week to discuss your goals, strategies, and progress. You will choose when to take these calls.

Phase 3:

This is after six weeks. We will be a part of a closed community—to help each other grow and I will always be available for any help you need. You will be merged with the previous and future batches.

6. What happens each week?

Now you know how six weeks are divided. Let me tell you how each week is structured.

I spoke to multiple creators who were interested in this cohort and tried to counter their biggest hurdles to a great cohort experience. Moreover, we have feedback from our first batch.

Most creators have no problem showing up to the live sessions and learning, but the real problem comes when they have to execute their learnings (I am guilty of this too.)


Every week in Phase 1:

Starts with a live class:
This is a two-hour live group session, where I share strategies, methods, examples, etc.

Follows up with a deep work session:
You don’t have to worry about ‘when to work on my newsletter.’ We will conduct deep work sessions, where all of us gather on a video call and work for two hours.

The deep work session is followed up by a 15-20 minute Q&A, just in case you have any doubts or to discuss what you have worked on.

At the end of each week, I review your work and we can discuss what we can improve. I don’t want to share only the theory and leave you hanging. I will share voice notes, messages, or loom videos to sharpen your work.

To summarize, each week has:

Live Session

Two hours

Deep Work Session

Two hours


On community

Each week in Phase 2:

We have a one-on-one call on Monday or Tuesday to discuss our plans for the week. We also have another call on the weekend to discuss progress, problems, and measures to counter them.

Two calls a week, one-on-one.

5. Why exclusivity?

Honestly, only two reasons:

  1. I want to provide a personalized and impactful experience. Even if I help build five newsletters, I want to give it my all.

  2. I won’t have time to help more than 15 creators, considering the balance between my content, client work, and personal life.

4. What can you expect from me?

  • Personalized experience

  • Recordings of live sessions

  • Visibility and Support: I will talk about the cool newsletters you’re building on my socials, newsletters, and community - will do all I can to increase visibility.

3. Dates and Timings

  • The cohort starts on 22nd May and will go on for six weeks.

  • The timings will be based on the members. If all of them are remote workers and can accommodate time in the afternoons, I’d love to host these sessions during the day.

    If not, it will be in the evenings from 8 pm.

  • Either way, the cohort happens on weekdays.

2. How much does it cost?

The entire six-week cohort costs INR 5000, including live classes, feedback sessions, and one-on-one calls. The community after the cohort will be a perk and is offered free of cost.

PS: There is no refund policy

1. How to get in?

Since I am limiting the cohort to 15 creators, I wish to follow a few parameters so I can help you in the best way possible. I wish I could help everyone, but considering the cohort’s structure and the time it consumes, I had to limit entries.

In case you don’t make it to Batch 2, you will be prioritized for the next batch …and if you didn’t make it to Batch 1, we will prioritize you.

What makes you an ideal fit?

  • You have built an audience on social media (helps us know how familiar you are with understanding the basics of audience and content)

  • You write decently (good newsletters are written well. You don’t need to be a writer, but it helps if you can communicate effectively on text)

  • You have 6-8 hours to invest in your newsletter every week

  • You are specialized in a skill (not mandatory, but it’s a big plus in building niche newsletters)

These are a few basic parameters. I might look at some exceptions and nuanced parameters.

Next action steps:

  1. You fill out the form below

  2. We shortlist you and send you an email

  3. Once you’re shortlisted, you can make the payment and join the cohort (you are not charged anything for filling out the form)

Please fill out this form and I will reach out to you in three days:

PS: We will update you even if you are not shortlisted

I hope to see you on the other side.
